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What do translation and Danish war history have to do with each other? In 2020, Diction assisted The Museum of Danish Resistance with the translation of material for the reopening of the museum. You can read more about that process here, and how we ensured that the translated material was both accurate and enjoyable to read.

A fresh start with fresh translations

In summer 2020, The Museum of Danish Resistance reopened after having been closed for seven years. The museum, which is a part of The National Museum of Denmark, reopened as an entirely new museum with an exhibition on Denmark’s liberation after the Second World War. Based on the previous work that Diction had completed for The National Museum of Denmark, The Museum of Danish Resistance approached Diction with the job of translating several texts for their website from Danish to English. Amongst these were texts about the Danish resistance during the war as well as important information concerning the COVID-19 guidelines at the museum.

When communicating and presenting historical content, detail is everything. At Diction, we focus on the accuracy of our translations while still being well-written and enjoyable to read. For that reason, all of our translations are read by a translator and a proofreader who have extensive knowledge of the subject area of the text. In this case, the texts were translated and proofread by experts with knowledge about the Danish resistance during the Second World War.

International perspective

Well written and accurate translations make it possible for the website of The Museum of Danish Resistance to also cater to an international audience. “We are fully satisfied with Diction’s service and the quality of their translations. As an international museum, it is important to cater to visitors from all over the world”, states Julie Lorenzen, head of communications for The Museum of Danish Resistance. In 2019, foreign visitors comprised 24% of all the visitors to Danish museums. In Diction’s experience, high quality translation is imperative for an international and professional image as well as to attract foreign visitors.

The translation of material for the reopening is just one of several translation jobs that Diction has carried out for The National Museum of Denmark and other Danish museums. High quality translation can make a significant difference in the museum world and contribute to gaining more visitors. Furthermore, we at Diction are proud to take part in knowledge sharing about history and culture. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with well written and accurate translations.

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Vår bedrift har kunder i mange land. Vi har behov for oversettelse av dokumenter til forskjellig språk, ofte med korte tidsfrister. Våre behov er alt fra juridiske avtaler, tekniske beskrivelser og mer uformell kommunikasjon. Diction er alltid tilgjengelig, leverer på avtalt tid og alltid særdeles nøyaktig, alt til en fornuftig pris. Terningkast 6.
Stian Aasen
Stian Aasen
Easy At Work AS
Trenger man noe oversatt så kan jeg fra vår erfaring trygt anbefale Diction. Her var det meget rask responstid og saksbehandling, og upåklagelig service hele veien. Prisen var meget vettuge og helt klart verdt det. Kort oppsummert så var hele prosessen en meget komfortabel kundeopplevelse, og til en lavere pris enn forventet på forhånd. Det er tydelig at her er det kundens ønsker som prioriteres og servicen vi fikk var upåklagelig.
Morten Berge
Morten Berge
Easy Movement AS
TV 2 har benyttet Diction til oversettelse av offentlige dokumenter til spansk. Autoriserte oversettelser ble levert raskt og med god kvalitet. Bestillingsprosessen var enkel, og vi fikk hurtig tilbakemelding og oppfølging. Kundeservicen oppleves som svært god.
Siv Lyslo Døssland
Siv Lyslo Døssland
10/10! Veldig fornøyd med tjenesten. Fikk dokumentet mitt oversatt, og raskt sendt til meg. De var hyggelige og serviceinnstilte.
Beatriz S,
Beatriz S,
Er veldig godt fornøyd med oversettingen av dokumentene, Fikk kjapt svar på forespørselen og de leverte i henhold til avtale.
Stein O.
Stein O.
Enestående og raskt levert! Fikk raskt svar på henvendelsen og raskt levert etter avtalen. Veldig fornøyd med oversettelsen som sto i stil til mine forventninger. Kommer helt klart til å bruke Diction neste gang også!
Venche J.
Venche J.
Frimerketjenesten har benyttet Diction til korrektur og språkvask samt oversettelser av diverse tekster til nynorsk, engelsk og tysk. Tekster og oversettelser ble levert raskt og i god kvalitet. Bestillingsløsningen var veldig enkel. Dialogen og kontakten med Diction oppleves som svært effektiv og god.
Rune Øyen
Rune Øyen
Posten Bring AS

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